Richter Active Integration Resources
Here you will find the latest therapeutic devices and resources for pediatric OTs & PTs, parents and infants and children designed by Eileen Richter, MPH, OTR/L, FAOTA. The products focus on engaging children and fostering their innate drive to develop and use their bodies as nature intended. In effect, getting them fit and ready for their future lives.
RAIR evolved from the need to provide infants and children with opportunities for quality sensory motor development that invites, engages and intrigues them enough to actively challenge their own bodies through joyful and meaningful play. Some children seek such opportunities naturally in daily activities, while others require special help to use their bodies in ways that support typical development of sensory motor skills.
To achieve better intervention for children with special needs, RAIR is committed to offering resources, information and education to parents and professionals.
Visit and sign up to receive information regarding the new Richter AIR Symposium being offered in Minnesota in February.
Richter Active Integration Resources ® , Stillwater, MN
The Baby Boundex™ is now available.